Time to Acknowledge Adult Diapers India

Old age is a time that requires its own planning and support from different quarters. In India, however, many people entering the phase known as second childhood do not do enough to ensure they have the best comfort and least hassles during old age. One of the problems that is still not taken seriously by seniors is urine leakage, also known as urinary incontinence.

Not Willing To Give It a Go
Urinary incontinence is basically the loss of bladder control, which is a common problem in old-age people not only India but, the entire world. Its severity ranges from an occasional leakage of urine when sneezing or coughing to a sudden strong urge to urinate, which is so high that you can’t reach the bathroom on time. Most Indians do not wish to acknowledge this problem, so the idea of using diapers for old age is not widely accepted, and hence has not caught on.

Some start getting fearful of the problem, and this holds them back in basic daily activities. Some completely ignore the issue, despite the troubles it causes them and their family members. Others lose hope, rather than using available adult diapers India.

This problem can be cured if you visit a urologist and get to know the seriousness of the issue. This will also help to know what options are available for treatment and discuss the best possible solution for the same. What you have to remember is that incontinence persists despite treatment in many people, so getting hold of one of the best diapers in India is the best option.

Some Facts
1.      40 percent of men are frustrated with continued leaking despite treatment
2.      Up to 50 percent who undergo radical prostatectomy suffer from post-operation urinary incontinence
3.      80 percent of men with incontinence don’t look for solutions despite it heavily affecting their lives

Adult Diapers
Most old people have embraced the concept of adult diaper in today’s age, but in India, it is still a concept that needs to catch on. Things are getting better, with medical advancement and awareness, and the need to re-adjust tour lifestyle is minimal when medical help is sought.


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